Our Mind’s Ability to ‘Lay Waste’ to Our Lives.
How many times have we seen our minds make a totally incorrect evaluation of something going on in the present, or about to happen in the future? How many times have our minds stopped us from doing some productive, fun, or wonderful spontaneous action that arose in us? How many times have our minds made “a mountain out of a ‘mole hill.’” How many times have our minds produced terrible ‘dramas’ and problems because of incorrect assumptions?
Usually, this is due to baseless fears our minds dream up, isn’t it? Some prediction of a ‘bad’ or ‘catastrophic’ future that will come as a result of the action? Or some idea in our minds that someone will hate: our actions, our words, our creative endeavors, or us? (Such a thought occurs nearly every time I sit down to write my blog! I’m learning to ignore this kind of thought.) It’s a lie: we can’t predict the future or what others will think.
There’s a simple solution: test our mind’s assumptions. Challenge every emotional interpretation, subjective opinion, or prediction about the future that our minds can make. Especially, challenge every thought we have about what someone else is saying, thinking or doing when we can’t possibly know. And, while we’re at it, let’s also challenge every opinion/prediction that every ‘talking head’ makes in the news media, and in academia. Let’s even challenge the notion that we know what the world is! Our senses only take in a limited range of light, sound, etc. What IS the real nature of the world? Can we know it as it really is?
One simple question changes everything: “Can we absolutely know that statement or thought is absolutely true?” If not, the statement or thought is a lie. Yes, anything is possible, but, if it’s not absolutely true, then it’s a lie.
‘Let not our minds’ lies, lay waste to our lives.’ Life is a Mystery, outcomes are unknown…now why not find out What’s Possible?